I highly recommend enrolling in this meaningful program. We received a MA Express Grant to assist with the SMART Conversations® training. The preparatory exercises and program actively engaged everyone at our company. Many people emphasized the value of discussing important topics in small focus groups with their colleagues, and the insight that resulted. Our staff provided an overwhelming positive rating of 94% good to excellent for the program.
George G. Preble
In my career, I have managed several corporate Project Management Offices (PMOs) and SMART Conversations® is another great tool in a project manager’s (PM) toolbox. PMs are responsible for managing teams, facilitating buy-in, driving results, removing obstacles, and motivating team members. SMART Conversations® provides the perfect complement to project management and aids in building high-performing, collaborative teams. I believe in the five principles and four core conditions of SMART Conversations® so much so that I have been certified as a SMART Conversations® facilitator and integrated the tools and techniques into my personal and professional ‘tool box’.
Jill D’Arbeloff
We have been working with SMART Conversations® (SC) for about 5 years now and, during that time, we have found their SC learning programs to be very popular amongst our staff. We are currently going through a growth phase and getting everyone on the same page with our Core Values (CV) is important to us.
Paul and Michele incorporated our core values into their SC culture-shaping learning program creating a great program called “Living Our Core Values (LOCV)”. The program centers on socializing and embedding our CV into our staff’s day-to-day work, and it has shown great results here.
Qualitatively, we knew people loved the LOCV course and felt they could apply it to their jobs immediately.
But what was most gratifying is the results of our recent employee engagement survey, which was up significantly from last year, despite a very challenging year brought on by the COVID pandemic. We are in the midst of an enterprise-wide approach, and we couldn’t be happier with the results.
Steven Snyder
Your organization’s success depends on effective teamwork, mutual respect and the ability to resolve conflict. There is a solution, a fantastic solution. I know because I twice participated in a learning program that shaped how I interact with co-workers, clients, family and friends. In fact, more than 30,000 people have participated in SMART Conversations® learning programs. You will be glad you did too.
Doug Reed
“As a team leader, I very much value the insight of these SMART Conversations® modules. I’ve taken them twice, and both times there were points where I’ve paused and thought “Ooh! Have I done that?” Or “ “Maybe I should try this approach…” This training has been invaluable.”